Why Mobile Access is the Real Differentiator in Multi-Family Buildings

The future of smart homes is bright and low-powered cost-effective IoT-powered devices are bringing the average homeowner closer to this reality. Residents are readily adapting to new smart home technologies and the conveniences they provide. And they are wanting these features in homes whether or not they own them. Staying competitive in the multifamily market is getting increasingly more difficult because of this. Features and amenities that were once differentiators for your property are now the norm. Potential residents are adding more and more “smart” features to their list of needs before moving into a multi-family property—and devices that increase convenience are topping the list.

Property managers and developers need to meet these demands head-on to ensure their buildings meet the needs and expectations of their customers. One of the biggest asks from potential residents is a more convenient and trouble-free ways to access their homes without compromising their security.

Juggling multiple physical keys to open your front door, storage space, garage or the shared fitness center can be a hassle for any resident and a deal-breaker for property managers.

With the right access control technology in place, residents can utilize software like ASSA ABLOY ACCENTRA with mobile credentials to open their front doors, storage spaces, and even the shared fitness center. Property managers can now have remote access control capabilities all while ditching the need to rekey when a new tenant moves in.

Here are the top reasons why you should consider a mobile access solution for your multi-family property:

1. Convenience

One of the most significant benefits of mobile access in multi-family buildings is convenience. Package delivery, plumbing, pet care, and other related services have traditionally required the resident to be home in person to open the door for the service provider. With mobile access and remote access capabilities, this does not have to be the case. You can remotely issue temporary credentials to the service provider, allowing them to access your home without compromising your security.

2. Unprecedented Level of Security

Without the remote access technology in place, you may have to leave your key behind for the dog walker, or the cleaning crew. However, doing so might compromise your security. The latest access control solutions from ASSA ABLOY ACCENTRA offer an unprecedented level of security. You can set the temporary credentials to remain active for a specific period and deactivate them after receiving your services, ensuring the service provider does not return and access your home later.

3. Remote Monitoring

Another top reason to incorporate mobile access solutions in your multi-family premises is remote monitoring. Residents want to observe what’s happening in their homes while away, especially when expecting a package delivery, or a service provider. Mobile technology can help you track exactly when the provider arrived and left the building.

4. Increased Efficiency and Accountability

While residents are accountable for the security of their units, property managers are responsible for the entire multi-family unit. The manager must strike a balance to ensure deployed services do not violate resident privacy while also making managing their property easier and more efficient. An electronic access control solution with mobile capabilities can help improve accountability and enhance efficiency in access control.

5. Saves Time and Money

Without the proper electronic access control technology in place, property managers have to manage physical keys and locks for a number of doors within their property. On top of having to set up new residents with access to their buildings and dealing with tenant lockouts. This can be inconvenient, costly, and time-consuming.

6. Better Residence Experience

The most important benefit of incorporating an access control solution with mobile access is to provide residents with the best experience possible. Mobile credentials and a solid access control solution elevate your property and make it more attractive to potential residents. And at the end of the day, resident experience not only impacts your retention rate, but also your ability to attract and contract with new residents.

Mobile access and access control technologies are undoubtedly the differentiators in multi-family buildings today. Not only are residents wanting these features for their homes but it also makes managing your property easier, more convenient but it will save you time and money. ASSA ABLOY ACCENTRA offers multi-family access control solutions your residents demand. These low-maintenance systems saves you time, money and attracts new residents with enhanced security and convenience. And, all ASSA ABLOY ACCENTRA Lock Solutions are backed by ASSA ABLOY, the global leader in door opening solutions.