What makes for a quality key system?
A quality High Security key system includes patent restriction, secure keys and keyblanks, and a cylinder with extra mechanical security elements that protect the cylinder from physical attack.

A quality High Security key system includes patent restriction, secure keys and keyblanks, and a cylinder with extra mechanical security elements that protect the cylinder from physical attack.
High Security cylinders protect facilities with additional mechanical security features that make them more resistant to drilling, picking, bumping, and other means of bypass. Key systems with patents protect the end user from someone getting keys copied without their permission.
In the Locksmith industry, there are High Security key systems that include both high security cylinders and patented key systems. (An example of this is the Medeco 4 technology.)
There are also key systems that only offer patented key control. These key control cylinders have the patented key, but not the High Security elements in the cylinder to withstand physical attack. (An example of this is the Medeco X4 technology.)
The life span of a key system
It is important to understand that any key system can be likened to a living organism and does indeed have a life span. This life span can last literally hours, or many years depending on how well the system is managed, maintained, and operated. This end of life of a key system can be impacted by:
· Lost Keys
· The wrong level of keys being issued (everyone has a master key)
· Keys not being returned by employees or contractors
· Unauthorized duplication of keys
· Poor or no key control policy, and records of who has keys
· Key system no longer under patent
· Incorrect Rekeys resulting in wrong keys opening cylinders
· Having to carry too many keys per person
· 3D printing of keys
· Self-Serve Keying Kiosks that provide formerly patented keys
· Cylinders and keys becoming worn over time and no longer functioning as they were intended
Patent expiration
In January of 2018, Locksmith Ledger published an article called "What Does High Security Mean?"
The sentences below really stand out.
Selling a non patented key lock creates repeat business for a home center when the customer needs more keys.
If you sell a client a Patented Key System, you have created a long-term relationship.
Locksmiths are responsible to inform their customers about patent expiration dates. The danger is that aftermarket key blanks may become available, and control of key duplication may be lost. This should be seen as a positive development to upgrade and improve old existing High Security key systems for your customer.
You are the expert
Remember that you as the Locksmith are the expert on the topic of key systems and key control. Do not be afraid to give the customer what they truly need. They are counting on your expertise to guide them to the right solution.
Key systems that go out of patent protection have reached the end of their patent life and should be identified and replaced. They are no longer protected by the patents and the protections that go along with that.
As the trusted Security Advisor, you should proactively reach out to customers that have older key systems to request the opportunity to perform a key system review.
During this process you can discuss new technologies that can be used to better maintain the security of the facility. There are so many great options to consider. From patented key control to High Security, to Electronic Cylinders. One facility may require any combination of these options.