The Role of Access Control in Assisted Living Facilities

Assisted living facilities need to be able to provide different levels of access rights for residents, staff members, caregivers, family members, and more, all while still operating a secure management system.

The Role of Access Control in Assisted Living Facilities

Accommodating a wide range of users, assisted living and senior care facilities must juggle a complex set of requirements when it comes to securing their facilities.

Older residents need secure, yet easy access to their apartments. Facilities management needs to be able to provide different levels of access rights for residents, staff members, caregivers, family members, and vendors, while still operating a secure management system to prevent issues like unauthorized access and theft.

These facilities need a robust, cost effective, and user-friendly solution, with a variety of configuration options for senior care access. In other words, they need a fully integrated and configurable electronic access control solution for their unit and common area doors.

Hardware solution: Electronic access control made easy with ASSA ABLOY ACCENTRA

Checking all these boxes, along with a low cost of ownership, ASSA ABLOY ACCENTRA combines smart locks with intuitive cloud-based software for easy and convenient access management in a single system.

ASSA ABLOY ACCENTRA combines electronic hardware and multiple credential options with cloud-based software into a single, self-sustaining ecosystem that streamlines access control for large facilities.

With ASSA ABLOY ACCENTRA's electronic locks as part of the ASSA ABLOY ACCENTRA solution, a building’s access control solution is simple to deploy, manage, and maintain. ACCENTRA's multi-family lock solutions are offline, battery powered, and do not require a wireless network, hard wiring to your doors, or on-premise servers. These locks are typically used on unit entry doors and many common area doors.

With the ASSA ABLOY ACCENTRA solution, users have three credential options – a mobile credential option on their smartphone, a card, or a fob. Mobile credentials offer the freedom of access control right from the phone in your pocket. If a physical credential is preferred, cards can be attached to a lanyard, or a fob can be attached to a keychain or worn as part of a wristband accessory. In many cases, assisted living facilities will choose a combination of both mobile and card or fob credentials to meet the needs of its many different occupants.

Manage the entire building, on-site or remotely, from one simple interface

For doors in assisted living facilities where various access rights are needed and electrified door hardware is required, the ASSA ABLOY ACCENTRA solution is ideal for controlling continual and periodic access for staff, residents, and vendors alike. With cloud-based software that can be accessed and managed from anywhere in the world, all user types can be granted opening access with cards, fobs, and/or mobile credentials on smartphones.

ASSA ABLOY ACCENTRA eliminates the issue of lost keys, the expense of rekeying locks, and the potential security risks of relying solely on mechanical keys. In the event that users lock themselves out, emergency access can easily be granted.

Reduce lockouts with transparent battery life notifications

In the event that battery gets low on the lock, ASSA ABLOY ACCENTRA will provide three low-battery notifications – a visual indicator at the lock, an audible indicator at the lock, and inn the cloud-based software where you can view the battery status anywhere in the world.

Complete your physical security for assisted living facilities with ASSA ABLOY ACCENTRA

ASSA ABLOY ACCENTRA offers a variety of lock options to meet the unique needs of each of your doors, including a deadbolt, mortise, cylindrical, interconnected lock, and exit device trim. Each of these locks are ANSI/BHMA Grade 1 or Grade 2 certified.

This low-maintenance system saves you time, money and attracts new residents with enhanced security and convenience. And, all ASSA ABLOY ACCENTRA solutions are backed by ASSA ABLOY, the global leader in door opening solutions.

With its low cost of ownership, minimal wiring, remote management, individualized user control, and no specialized IT equipment required, ASSA ABLOY ACCENTRA is a highly attractive option for assisted living facilities.

Looking to learn more about how ASSA ABLOY ACCENTRA meets the unique access control needs of assisted living facilities? Fill out the form below to get in touch with our team of experts today: