The Holistic Building Solution

“ASSA ABLOY has a uniquely integrated solution for key and openings management.”

 The partnership between Openings Studio and SimpleK enables those who manage facilities to maintain up-to-date, comprehensive records of their door hardware. That hardware includes closers, hinges, glass, levers, keys, and much more.

 During the planning and construction phase, Openings Studio provides the tools to create specifications, place orders, and coordinate installation. It also manages doors, frames, and hardware post-installation. With the Openings Studio platform, users are provided a central hub for all data surrounding openings throughout the facility. This saves time and money during the complete process.

 Once the facility build is completed, Openings Studio data can be migrated to the SimpleK platform to manage the key system. All the time and effort to plan and build a safe, secure, and efficient facility is wasted if, during occupancy, the key system is mismanaged. The seamless integration helps prolong the life of door hardware and key system. Lost keys, stolen keys, a bad master key plan, and insufficient documentation will put the system at risk. But even worse, that risk will be ultimately assumed by the occupants and valuables in the facility.

 Take a look at our new Openings Studio-SimpleK brochure to learn more about how these two platforms can assist in your next new construction project.