Medeco: Securing What You Value Most

Back in 1984, then-President Ronald Reagan declared October National Crime Prevention Month. In the face of high crime rates in the United States, the administration found it necessary to not only draw attention to threats, but more importantly to how we can prevent crime. Homeowners and business owners constantly look for technology to keep what they value most safe and secure.

Property Crime Statistics

While property crime has dramatically decreased in the years since President Reagan’s proclamation, there are still some worrisome stats. According to data compiled by the website, 2020 saw 6,452,038 property crimes in the United States. While that’s a greatly reduced number from the 1991 number of 12,961,116, there is a significant decrease in the percentage of arrests/property recovery from 1991 to 2020.

In 2020, only 13.5% of the time was there an arrest or property recovered for the 6,452,038 reported crimes. In 1991 that percentage was 17.4%. So, while you’re less likely to be the victim of property crime now, it’s also now less likely there will be any accountability for those crimes.

Locking Technology

While technology has brought us some great new safety and security measures (WiFi cameras, apps, etc.), what do you do every time you leave your house, go to bed every night, close-up shop for the night?

You lock the doors. And then double-back to recheck every door, just to be sure it is indeed locked. Isn’t it reassuring when you’re walking away from your car, and you press that button one last time, and you hear that horn beep. “Okay, good, the car is locked.”

With all the gadgets, all the apps, all the new technology, we still want to know what we value most is behind locked openings. That lock is key (pun intended?!?).

Securing What You Value Most

When you’re locking up your most valued things, whether it’s family, a business, a home, or anything you find valuable, make sure you’re choosing a lock that is going to be a real deterrent to criminals. Don’t choose a lock that can be picked easily. Don’t choose a lock that has keys readily available on sites like eBay. While it’s convenient to get a lockset at a supercenter, that device probably won’t withstand even the simplest of physical attacks.

Ask yourself, “Will this lock actually help deter someone looking to do harm to those things I value most.”

For 54 years, Medeco has been the standard in high security locking systems, for both commercial and residential applications. Medeco’s innovation in locking systems is trusted by security professionals across the globe. Government facilities, critical infrastructure, utilities, businesses, and homes.

As we’ve said many times before, “Thieves made us what we are today.” Let us be there for you, during National Crime Prevention Month and of course beyond.

Secure what you value most. Ask about upgrading to Medeco locks today!