McKinney Custom Hinges for Any Application

McKinney Custom Hinges for Any Application

High-quality custom hinges are designed to work for any hinge application. While one hinge may work for a certain door, the same hinge could have trouble with a thicker, larger door that requires sturdier hardware.

The commercial and industrial environment plays a role in determining the size and function of the hinge, as you want to make sure that the door load matches how much weight the hinge will be able to bear.

McKinney custom hinges can be created for any application, including specialty interim hinges or lavatory spring hinges. By creating custom sizes to order, you can choose the leaves to match the door size and application needs. Here’s a guide on when to use custom hinges and how they work.

What are Custom Hinges

Custom hinges can be made to fit almost any application. These hinges are modified for width, length, form, trim, notch, and many other ways to match the specific door and application.

There are also several ways to customize hinges through finishing options such as steel or brass hinges.

McKinney can modify a variety of standard hinges, so if you have issues with “different door and frame size,” you can request custom sizes to order. For example, the leaves may be equal on top but cut differently on the bottom to match your needs.

What Doors Need Custom Hinges

The first step for any door installation is to calculate the proper hinge size and hinge count so that the door jamb can operate doors perfectly.

Basic hinge sizes include 4”, 4.5”, and 5” models. These range from a 5 knuckle standard weight to a 5 knuckle heavyweight hinge. When a custom hinge is needed, the size of the leaves may change to fit the door or frame.

One of the common problems for door installers is a mismatched hinge for the door thickness or frame depth. For example, you may have a 5” ball-bearing hinge for the frame with a door that has a 4.5” hinge. For two different sizes like this, you’ll need a custom hinge to fit the door and frame together. These are known as interim hinges.

On thicker doors, hinges may also be screwed through the frame and into the stud wall, allowing for extra support for a heavy door.

In other cases, hinges may be customized using electrified hinges or even handles.

Examples of Custom Hinges by McKinney

There are a number of McKinney hinges that can be altered depending on the application.

Electrified Hinges

Electrified hinges offer massive benefits for security, industrial, and medical applications. In these hinges, the wires generally come out of the back of the hinge and link up to monitoring devices, door closers, electrified locks, and other security equipment.

Hinges often need custom cables that range up to 100 feet in length, depending on the application. McKinney also offers custom cable options so you don’t have to stick to the standard lengths, which only go up to 30 feet in length. These custom electrified hinges can take anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour to wire.

Need a Custom-Fitted Hinge?

McKinney’s custom hinge service makes it easy to finish your job without making major changes to your doors or project needs. Our support is here to help you with any application and answer questions about any hinge installation problems.

See McKinney Custom Hinges or Contact McKinney Hinge Support