Enhancing Building Accessibility and Safety with Cam Action Door Closers

Building owners and managers are striving to create safer and more accessible spaces for their occupants. Enter cam action door closers.

Enhancing Building Accessibility and Safety with Cam Action Door Closers

Proper door closure in commercial buildings is essential, especially for ensuring life safety and security. However, certain interior openings like stairwell doors and restrooms present a few challenges to proper latching. Cam action door closers emerge as a smart choice when doors need to reliably close while maintaining a low opening force, where accessibility may be a concern.

The Need for Cam Action Door Closers

Cam action closers operate differently from rack and pinion closers. Rack and pinion closers use a gear that moves along a grooved track to overcome spring compression. In contrast, cam action closers evenly distribute spring compression through roller bearings, a vertical follower, and the cam itself. This equalization results in smoother operation, overcoming latching issues effectively.

In the realm of interior door applications, two types of openings particularly benefit from the installation of cam action door closers: stairwells and high-traffic doors.

1) Stairwell Towers:

Stairwell doors often encounter difficulties in closing due to environmental factors such as pressurization and the stack effect. These conditions can hinder a door from properly latching, compromising both security and life safety, especially during fire emergencies.

Another challenge arises when stairwell doors have heavy gasketing, which, while enhancing smoke and air sealing, can create drag as the door closes, causing it to come to a halt before properly latching. Traditionally, locksmiths would adjust spring tension to increase the closing force to overcome this problem. However, this approach makes the door harder to open, posing a significant problem during emergencies and hindering accessibility.

Enter cam action door closers. These door closers excel where rack and pinion closers fall short. By delivering a higher closing force at the critical junction of 10-15 degrees from the closed position, cam action door closers can overcome stack or drag during closing while maintaining a low force when opening.

2) High-Traffic Doors:

High-traffic areas, like public restrooms and front-of-house bathrooms, present an excellent opportunity for cam action door closers. These spaces are frequented by users of varying mobility levels, and the smooth operation of cam action door closers enhances the guest experience while ensuring privacy by reliably closing the door.

Another intriguing application for cam action door closers is interior doors that open in front of other doors, such as closets or utility areas. Instead of traditional floor- or wall-mounted stops, cam action door closers offer an adjustable track stop. This feature allows architects and designers to modify the open path, preventing the door from swinging into nearby objects and eliminating the need for additional stop hardware.

Retrofits and Cam Action Door Closers:

Renovation projects provide an ideal opportunity to upgrade to cam action door closers. Any facility undergoing modernization should evaluate the performance of its doors and consider retrofitting with cam action door closers.

Prime candidates for upgrading to cam action door closers are doors that are challenging to open, struggle to close or latch consistently, or show signs of aging. Additionally, doors undergoing accessibility updates, such as knob-to-lever conversions, can seamlessly incorporate a cam action door closer during the retrofit process.

Cam action door closers are a game-changer for ensuring both accessibility and security in commercial buildings. Whether addressing the unique challenges of stairwell doors or enhancing user experience in high-traffic areas, these cam action door closers provide a solution that strikes the perfect balance between closing and opening forces. As building owners and managers strive to meet stringent standards, cam action door closers emerge as a valuable asset in their toolkit for creating safer and more accessible spaces.

If you’re interested in learning more about cam action door closers, get in touch with our team of experts by filling out the form below.