3 Steps to Effectively Securing Your Campus

Campus safety addresses the physical security of the people and property as well as the information systems and personal protection against health threats. Utilize these best practices when planning your approach to school safety.

3 Steps to Effectively Securing Your Campus

Campus safety is the number one concern for faculty and staff. And it goes far beyond just maintaining fire and safety codes. Campus safety now addresses the physical security of the people and property as well as the information systems and personal protection against health threats. From securing a single classroom door during a lockdown to maintaining access management for recreational facilities, utilize these best practices when planning your approach to school safety.

Utilize the correct technology.

It is important to consider the needs and layout of your campus to identify the right technology for each of your openings. Access control systems and keyless locks can work together to secure your buildings on campus while also providing the flexibility and efficiency you're looking for. In addition, certain solutions can lower your security maintenance costs and increase your campus's sustainability efforts.

Unfortunately, the pressure to do something quickly often results in a quick solution that may keep an intruder out but ultimately can put students at even more risk. Talk to one of our campus experts today and discover the best access and security solution for your campus.

Plan to react.

Every school needs a safety and security plan that can be implemented in the event of an emergency. And the best plans cannot be properly executed if staff is not trained on the emergency procedures.

Talk to other campuses.

The best way to learn about the most effective ways to secure your classroom or campus is to talk to others who have already been down this road. Many campuses have already deployed fully complete access control systems. We have a list of universities and campuses all over the nation that have successfully implemented door solutions. Learn from their achievements and mistakes so that you can rest easy at night knowing your campus has a plan should you need it.

The one thing every campus is afraid of is making the wrong decision. And because of that, there is often paralysis where nothing is done for years. Please don't fall victim to this; talk with one of our campus solution experts today to design and implement the right locking and access management solution for your campus.